Donatoni Jet 5 Axis Cod. 01-25 monoblock bridge saw CNC

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Donatoni Jet 5 Axis Cod. 01-25 monoblock bridge saw CNC

Second hand bridge saw cnc QUADRIX DV 900 is a medium-sized numeric control cutting and shaping center with 5 interpolated axes having Z axis stroke 640 mm, rotary head, prepared for single or incremental – pass cutting and shaping processes for the performance of marble, granite, stone and sintered materials products. It is suitable for oblique, circular, elliptical, inclined cuts, rectilinear, concave, convex, arched, elliptic shapes, excavations of two-dimensional and three-dimensional slabs. TILTING BENCH AND CAD-CAM It is equipped with a series of electro-spindles controlled by inverter and it can be fitted with ISO 40 type connection diamond tools, such as end mill, milling wheel and a horizontal blade The possibility to mount blade having max diameter of 900 mm grants the possibility to cut up to 330 mm thickness . Mod. DONATONI Jet 900 Cod. 01-25


Model: Jet

Year: 2020

CNC machine with 5 interpolated axis

Number of interpolated axes
Carriage stroke X axis mm
Maximum carriage speed (X axis) m/min
Bridge stroke Y axis mm
Maximum bridge speed (Y axis) m/min
Vertical stroke Z axis mm
Maximum head speed (Z axis) m/min
Blade-carrying head rotation (C axis) deg
Disc head tilting movement (axis A) deg
Adjustable cut feeding speed m/min
Working table dimensions mm
Working table extension dimensions mm
TOOL Electro spindle motor power kW
ISO 40 electro spindle motor power kW
TOOL electro spindle motor nominal torque kW
ISO 40 electro spindle motor nominal torque kW
TOOL electro spindle motor speed range rpm
ISO 40 electro spindle motor speed range rpm
Minimum disc diameter mm
Maximum disc diameter mm
Suction cups stroke mm
Max. disc dimensions with suction cups mm
Max weight lift with suction cups kg
Slab lenght gauges stroke mm
Max. disc usable with slab lenght gauges mm
Maximum cutting depth mm
Water consumption (3 bar) l/min
Air Consumption l/min
Standard electric voltage V/Hz
Total installed power kW

N.B.: technical data are simply indicative.

N.B.: used machines are considered available except the sold


N.B. technical data are simply indicative.


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