Single diamond wire, second hand machine, for to cut blocks in slabs for different measures and squarries the blocks of marble or granite Mod. PELLEGRINI DIAMANTFIL DF 2000 Cod. 02-24
Single diamond wire, second hand machine, for to cut blocks in slabs for different measures and squarries the blocks of marble or granite Mod. PELLEGRINI DIAMANTFIL DF 2000 Cod. 03-23
Single diamond wire for to cut blocks in slabs for different misures and squarries the blocks of marble or granite PELLEGRINI DIAMANTFIL DF 2000 Cod. 30-17
The profiling machine LISTA has been designed to profile linear ceramic elements, suitable for machining different profiles on ceramic, porcelain stoneware, marble and granite strips. The spindle headstocks of adequate size are provided with motorise…
Multiple continous sawing used machine for cutting and bevelling inserts, 1 heads for some disks diameter 320mm., useful cutting 490 mm. mod. PRAGMA SECO 501L Cod. 01-23
Manual pantograph used with grinding-whell for hole and profiling for marble and granite drilling and shapping machine. Second-hand machine used for profiling, shaping, boring, polishing, milling. Combination of Syrma with the single-body UN60 and Ar…
Hand polishing machine (manettone) wall type, radial arm polisher for marble, built of casting iron with the turning arms mounted on ball bearing for to polishing marble and granite, motorized up-down arm, with plates polishing diam. 300/400 mm. Mod….
Polishing edge machine, straigth edge cast iron inox structure sens of working from left to rigth, second hand machinery for to edge polishing to marble and granite, 8 front spindles, 4 bevelling spindles, gauging calibrator, Multifunction, 1500/3000…
The second-hand Polishing – gauging machine for marble tiles 1 calibrator gauging head (rotating diamond head), 5 polishing heads. Polishing used machine useful working of polishing 600 mm., horizontal movement bridge of polishing h…
SIFA Ecology jaw crushers are characterized by a sturdy structure suitable for the processing of very hard stone, such as granite, porphiry and stones, as well as marble and limestone.This second-hand machinery are ideal both for primary and secondar…
Impianto automatico usato di depurazione fanghi derivati da lavorazione di marmo e granito composto da silos decantatore a forma cilindrica completo di pompe, scarico automatico, capacità depurativa 800 l/min. centralina di floculante, vasca di stoc…
Water surface dust second-hand intaking modulbox for aspiration dust with inside water treatment, structure with inox steel, used machine with double position aspiration, large 4.000 mm. SIGMA Mod. MB 40 SV Cod. 40-22
The filter press, designed to work automatically without an operator, is perfect for sludge dewatering in dry pans with minimal residual moisture and to recover the maximum treated water, which will be reused in a closed production cycle or to be dis…
Second hand combined machine for calibrating and polishing tiles, strips of model granite, equipped with revolving roller calibrating spindles installed on a mobile bridge and dressing and polishing spindles installed on the second bridge. The revolv…
Second hand combined machine for calibrating and polishing tiles, strips of model granite, equipped with revolving roller calibrating spindles installed on a mobile bridge and dressing and polishing spindles installed on the second bridge. The revolv…
The second-hand Polishing – gauging machine for marble tiles 1 calibrator gauging head (rotating diamond head), 5 polishing heads. Polishing used machine useful working of polishing 600 mm., horizontal movement bridge of polishing h…
Second hand combined machine for calibrating and polishing tiles, strips of model marble, equipped with 1 calibrating spindle installed on a fixed bridge and dressing and 8 polishing spindles installed on the second bridge. Width 1.000mm., 1 calibrat…
Horizontal splitting machine for to split in two parts strips or tiles marble, useful cutting max. 460 mm. n.6 disks with inverter SOCOMAC SC 645L Cod. 44-14
Aspiration bench with water treatment, dust removable table inox, Dust removable table stainless still structure inox used, aspiration bench second hand with water treatment, dust collector with work bench, a dust damper a decanter and exhauster. Mod…
Aspiration bench with water treatment, dust removable table inox, Dust removable table stainless stell structure inox used, aspiration bench second hand with water treatment, dust collector with work bench, a dust damper a decanter and exhauster. Mod…
Multiple continous sawing used machine for cutting and bevelling inserts, 1 heads for some disks diameter 300mm., useful cutting 415 mm. mod. TECNEMA FS 500 TD Cod. 37-22
The filter press, designed to work automatically without an operator, is perfect for sludge dewatering in dry pans with minimal residual moisture and to recover the maximum treated water, which will be reused in a closed production cycle or to be dis…
Bridge saw machine, hydraulic movement hydraulic, structure in ghisa, manual rotating table bench, diameter disk 625 mm., tilting head, rails on oil bath, Mod. TERZAGO F 35 S Cod. 11-22
Bridge saw second-hand machine, oleodynamic, used machine with structure in ghisa, automatic rotating table, diameter disk 725 mm., multicut program, tilting head, rails on oil bath, Mod. TERZAGO GLS 37 Cod. 22-22
Automatic tow columns electronic block-cutter second-hand machine for marble and granite, Sawing machine able to transform marble and granite …
Wheeled crane hidraulic with extensive arm, diesel motor, completely with documents ENPI, lift capacity 4.500 Kg., Mod. VALLA V.KART 45 Cod. 21-21
Wheeled crane hidraulic with extensive arm, diesel motor, completely with documents ENPI, lift capacity 2.400 Kg., SEQUANI 2.4TON Cod. 27-22
Oleodynamic bridge saw machine used, tilting head to 45°, manual turnable table, TILTING BENCH, laser, optical viewer of measurements Mod. ZAMBON HYDRO-U Cod. 04-23
Oleodynamic bridge saw machine used, tilting head to 45°, manual turnable table, machine with automatic cuts, laser, optical viewer of measurements Mod. ZAMBON HYDRO-U Cod. 29-23
Oleodynamic bridge saw machine used, tilting head to 45°, manual turnable table, laser, optical viewer of measurements Mod. ZAMBON HYDRO-U Cod. 31-22
Hand polishing used machine (manettone) with column, second-hand machine built of casting iron with the turnig arms mounted on ball bearing for to polishing slabs and tiles of marble and granite Mod. ZAMBON LC 2000 Cod. 01-22
Macchina a filo diamantato singolo sagomatore verticale atto al taglio di profili di spessori massimo 3 cm. di marmo e granito, con inverter, studiata per l’intarsio, struttura in alluminio, velocità di taglio variabile. Mod. ZEGA Z 3 Cod. 08-24
Single diamond wire vertical profiling used machine for cutting profiles, using diamond wire, saw little thicks blocks and slabs, the second-hand machine has variable cutting speed, aluminium structure. Mod. ZEGA Z 3000 Cod. 06-23