Flow Waterjet Mach 200 Cod. 03-25 second-hand Waterjet on sale

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Flow Waterjet Mach 200 Cod. 03-25 second-hand Waterjet on sale

Waterjet cutting system 5 axis second-hand at CNC for any kind of processing cutting and shaping of marble and granite and other materials with plastic, iron, glass, etc., one head of cut, dimension bench to 3.000 x 2.000 mm., mod. Flow Waterjet Mach 200 Cod. 03-25

Brand: FLOW

Model: Mach 200

Year: 2021

Technical data:
Cutting stroke of axel X mm. 3.000
Max horizontal travel axel Y mm. 2.000
One head of cut 5 axis
Max cutting dimensions 3.000 x 2.000 mm.
Dimensions internal working area 3.200 x 1.900 mm.
CNC E.C.S. mod.
Working high pressure 3.800 ATM
Intensifier pump power – Hp – Kw
Cooling water consumption 3,6 -1 l/min.
Total machine mass kg. 6.000
Spindle speed of rotation at 50 Hz 9.000
Adjustable speed of axel 10 – 300 cm/min.
Overall machine dimensions .000 x .000 mm.

Conditions: Very good conditions, in function

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N.B. the second hand machineries are understood available except the sold


N.B. technical data are simply indicative